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The Sustainable Futures Report

Welcome to the Sustainable Futures Report, a weekly podcast on all things sustainable.

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Oct 25, 2019

This week Zoe Cohen, who spoke to us recently about being arrested at the XR protest in April, came to trial. We'll hear from her later. We also hear from Laura Cox who was in London for the latest XR rebellion and she too was arrested. 

First, we'll look at what happened over those two weeks...

Oct 22, 2019




Another chat with Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio. We didn't fall out this time! 


Oct 11, 2019

This week marks the start of the International Rebellion led by Extinction Rebellion and I bring you my impressions of the first day in London, including an explanation of a Citizens’ Assembly, and interviews with a lady dressed as a rubbish heap, protestors on Millbank and at Lambeth Bridge. What does Section 14...

Oct 4, 2019

Today I'm tying up more loose ends and bringing you stories which I haven't had time to cover over the last few weeks.

You'll hear about system change, about protests, prosecutions and protests to come, about energy: oil, gas and hot water. Can we over-engineer our climate solutions? I'll talk about stormy weather, a...