Oct 28, 2016
This week there's been a lot in the news about climate change, about transport and, as always, about energy. We’ll look at the decision to build a third runway at Heathrow, talk about decarbonising the transport fleet with connected cars, self-driving cars, BEVs, PHEVs and ULEVs. And if you’re prepared to let...
Oct 21, 2016
This week: burping cows, HFCs, and Client Earth suing the government for failing to provide clean air. We’ll look at what cityam.com said that the advertising standards agency (ASA) said about Friends of the Earth, and what the ASA says that it said. National Grid’s Winter Outlook Report is out and Client Earth pops...
Oct 14, 2016
This time we have blackouts in Australia, protests about fracking and other fossil fuels in Lancashire, Nottinghamshire and North Dakota, a report from the World Energy Council meeting in Istanbul, problems with incinerators in Cardiff and Derby and fog harvesting in Morocco.
Oct 7, 2016
Fracking approved in Lancashire - no surprise there.
What does Brexit mean for sustainability?
The oil price is on the move again, but where’s it going? Why are children taking the US government to court?
Large problems with nuclear power, and not just at Hinkley C.
News from Canada on carbon taxes, and Suncor, a...