Sep 25, 2015
Is CSR dead? Maybe not, but the VW emissions scandal has seriously damaged it. We read a postcard from George Osborne in China. And we round off with a conversation about the practicalities of renewables with James Spencer, MD of Portland Analytics.
Also see - a wind farm...
Sep 18, 2015
One in - one out. Jeremy Corbyn is the new leader of the Opposition at Westminster and Tony Abbott is no longer Prime Minister of Australia. What does all that mean for climate change? It's an ill wind in Scotland. We’re coming to the end of Community Energy Fortnight, with events across the country. I’ll be...
Sep 12, 2015
The world is getting hotter, the ice is melting and sea levels are rising, and we still have a problem with energy.
Sep 4, 2015
This week we learn more about the UK’s nuclear programme, community energy, a giant polar bear, another refugee crisis, wasted food and the price of oil.