May 28, 2008
Hauliers and labour MPs threatening to rebel - why it's all the government's fault - how oil prices and energy prices will affect a lot more than just fuel - review your supply chain - join me at London's Low Carbon Innovation Exchange on 26th June.
Anthony Day -
May 26, 2008
The oil price - again. Personal Carbon Trading: the Environmental Audit Committee wants it but the government doesn't. The folly of feed-in tariffs and subsidising micro-generation. Predicting the future - "for entertainment only?" Best Practice for Environmental Champions at the London Low Carbon Exchange,...
May 6, 2008
Oil pushing $120/barrel again - a petiton to reduce VAT on fuel duty - Americans to remove fuel tax altogether - commercial vehicle protest - Rockerfellers lobby Exxon - adapting to the high cost of energy.
Presented by Anthony Day
Duration: 4.18
May 5, 2008
I chair the Scottish Carbon Reduction Summit. Philip Wright from the Scottish Government spoke about Bali and Denmark 2009. Plans to assess the carbon footprint of Scottish government activity. Anthony Johnson from Stephenson Harwood on Legal Foundations of a Low Carbon Economy and Alasdair Harper from DEFRA on the...