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The Sustainable Futures Report

Welcome to the Sustainable Futures Report, a weekly podcast on all things sustainable.

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Apr 24, 2020

Yes, the threat, challenge and tragedy that is COVID19 remains everyone’s first concern. Coronavirus affects us all, but in this episode my aim is to talk briefly of other things.

This week I bring you a miscellany of stories that you may have missed.

Apr 17, 2020

Rebecca Henderson, Harvard Professor, Author and Authority on Reimagining Capitalism talks to the Sustainable Futures Report.


Apr 10, 2020

There are no good jokes about climate change, so instead I'm going to talk about COP26, the way out of this pandemic and its effect on actions against climate change; coal mining, geo-engineering and global...

Apr 3, 2020

Right then. This week I’m going to talk about denial and whether climate change could lead to more pandemics in future. How will COVID19 affect developing nations and what are the implications of that for the rest of us? How is climate change affecting Africa and developing nations? And in other news, fantasies in...