Jun 29, 2008
Interviews with participants at London’s event of the week. John Neame, who had the original idea, on how it started and how it’s developing; Lyn Roberts from Coherent Research on how to track energy usage; Pascal Bouquet from Metnext explains how tracking the weather helps you predict energy demand; and Rick Wallis from NEC shows how latest developments in thin-client technology can help save energy. Nigel Wilkinson from T-mobile tells me about his case study about installing 6,000 smart meters and then Naomi Kelt and Caroline Whistlecraft describe how co2balance.com can help your organisation become carbon neutral. Finally, Ashley Lodge, Corporate Responsibility Manager of Harper Collins and founder member of the Publishers’ Green Network, talks about his work.
The next Low Carbon Innnovation Exchange will be in Harrogate on 22nd October (www.carbon-innovation.com) but in the meantime call me, Anthony Day, to talk about sustainable business – how your organisation can stay in business and stay in profit.
Presented by Anthony Day
Duration: 27.38